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परळीत रेकॉर्ड ब्रेक I पोदार लर्न स्कूलचे बहुचर्चित वार्षिक स्नेह संमेलन जल्लोषात साजरे

भारतीय संस्कृतीचे दर्शन 1150 विद्यार्थ्यांनी सुंदररित्या सादर करत उपस्थित पालकांनाचे मन जिंकून मंत्रमुग्ध केले

आपला ई पेपर |परळी |प्रतिनिधी 

राजस्थानीज पोदार लर्न स्कूल येथे  रविवार दि. 24 डिसेंबर रोजी विद्यार्थी व पालकांनी यावर्षीच्या स्नेह संमेलनात सहपरिवार सहभागी होऊन उत्साहात स्नेह संमेलन साजरे केले.सरस्वती पूजन व दिपप्रज्वलन करून संमेलनाला सुरूवात करण्यात आली.राजस्थानीज पोदार स्कूलचे सचिव बद्रीनारायण बाहेती, उपाध्यक्षा सौ.प्रेमा बाहेती,प्रमुख अतिथी मारिया पोदार लर्न स्कूल, निलंगाच्या प्राचार्या श्रीमती अंजुम पटेल,पोदार इंटरनेशनल स्कूल, लातूरचे प्राचार्य रेड्डी गिरधर,पोदार इंटरनेशनल स्कूल, सोलापुर प्राचार्य समिंदर पिंगारी,पोदार इंटरनेशनल स्कूल, अंबाजोगाईचे प्राचार्य कीर्तिकुमार देशमुख,पोदार इंटरनेशनल स्कूल, धाराशिव प्राचार्य श्रीमती रमया डी तूतिका, बचपन स्कूलच्या प्राचार्या सौ दीपा बाहेती यांचे पुष्पगुच्छ देऊन, ढोल वाजून स्वागत गीत सादर करून मान्यवर पाहुण्यांचे स्वागत करण्यात आले.

यावेळी वार्षिक स्नेहसंमेलनात विविध स्पर्धांचे पारितोषिक वितरण समारंभ उत्साहात संपन्न झाला विविध स्पर्धांमध्ये विजेत्या विद्यार्थ्यांना मान्यवरांच्या हस्ते पारितोषिक देऊन गौरविण्यात आले.

यावर्षीच्या संमेलनाचे 'जश्न त्योहारों का' भारतीय संस्कृती प्रत्येक धर्माचे सण उत्सव एकाच व्यासपीठावर एकाच दिवशी 1150 विद्यार्थ्यांनी सुंदररित्या सादर करून उपस्थित पालकांचे मन जिंकून मंत्रमुग्ध केले.

सरस्वती स्तवन, प्रार्थना ,रामायण , हनुमान लीला, गुरुपौर्णिमा ,महाराष्ट्र मायभूमी ,ईद ,गुढीपाडवा ,कृष्णजन्म,संत गोरा कुंभार , सीता स्वयंवर , गणेश उत्सव, विविध गीतांवर आधारीत नृत्य तसेच नाटक, विविध वेशभूषा सादर करून संपूर्ण भारतीय संस्कृतीचे दर्शन विद्यार्थीनी जल्लोषात साजरे करताना उपस्थित मान्यवर व पालक भारावून गेले.

सर्व विद्यार्थांच्या कला गुणांना वाव मिळावा म्हणून व्यासपीठावर एकाच वेळी 130 विद्यार्थी वेगवेगळ्या गाण्यावर नृत्य करता यावे म्हणून भव्य दिव्य असे व्यासपीठ तयार करण्यात आले होते. राजस्थानीज पोदार लर्न स्कूलचे या वर्षीचे वार्षिक स्नेहसंमेलन विद्यार्थ्यांना मनोरंजनासोबत आपली संस्कृती आणि वारसा जोपासण्याचे शिकवण देणारा ठरला.अशी माहिती शाळेचे सहसचिव धीरज बाहेती यांनी दिली आहे.

शिक्षणासोबतच मनोरंजनाचे महत्त्व पोदार लर्न स्कूलमध्ये नेहमीच नावीन्यपूर्ण उपक्रम घेतले जातात.या संमेलनाला चार हजार विद्यार्थी, पालक आणि नागरिक उपस्थित होते.

विद्यार्थ्यांच्या सुप्त कलागुणांना वाव देण्यासाठी ,आत्मविश्वास वाढवा हा उद्देश समोर ठेवून राजस्थानीज पोदार लर्न स्कूलचेअकॅडमीक डायरेक्टर बी.पी. सिंग, प्राचार्य मंगेश काशीद , उपप्राचार्य लक्ष्मण पाटील यांच्या मार्गदर्शनाखाली शाळेतील सर्व शिक्षक व शिक्षकेतर कर्मचारी वर्गशिक्षक यांनी तब्बल एक महिना मेहनत घेऊन विद्यार्थ्यांच्या कलागुणांना उत्कृष्टपणे पालकांसमोर सादर करण्यास यशस्वी ठरले. यामुळे विविध पालकांचे कौतुकास्पद प्रतिक्रिया यावेळी महत्वपूर्ण ठरल्या.

सर्व पालकांच्या नावासहित त्यांच्या मनातील प्रतिक्रिया आम्ही इथे तुमच्यासाठी देत आहोत

उत्कृष्ट नियोजन, सुसंवाद आणि सर्व नियोजनबद्द पद्धतीने केलेली व्यवस्था, परिश्रम आपली मेहनत यामुळे RPLS चा कार्यक्रम खूप छान व सुंदर रीतीने पार पडला तुमचे व तुमच्या सर्व टीम चे मनःपूर्वक अभिनंदन 💐पुढील यशस्वी वाटचालीस शुभेच्छा 💐
मॅडम आम्ही सदैव आपल्या पाठीशी आहोत 👍🏻
*श्री.एन. एस. जातकर सर,
जिल्हा परिषद शाळा, टोकवाडी*
विशेष म्हणजे तुम्ही बसवलेले *श्री राम नवमी* चे गाणे/थिम अप्रतिम खूप सुंदर होती मॅडम 👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻तुमचे व तुमच्या सर्व टीम चे मनःपूर्वक अभिनंदन 💐💐💐💐💐
I would like to thank you as well as congratulate the entire staff behind the success of annual day celebration 💐
We are really happy to have such hardworking teachers who works with
passion and dedication for the future of our children
Thank you for all the efforts,energy and time gave to your students....all the best 👍🏻
I wud like to congratullate to all the teachers and staff who made this event a grand success.

The kids performed gracefully and confidently.

The whole experience was overwhelming.

Hats off to the teachers, principal, management for putting hardwork and making a show a great success.

Special Thankx to all for giving kids so much love and warmth 😘🙏🏻#teamaRpls#alwazrockss😍
Nice photos....
Ramayan theam of songs 🎵 ♥️ is very beautiful choreographed and superbly performed by all the students  💐💐💐💐
I would like to thank you as well as congratulate to entire staff for your dedication and love towards our child, creating a safe and nurturing environment where they can learn and grow. We are truly grateful for your invaluable role in their early development.
Thank you to all the staff for making our Annual Day grand success and supporting me. Sorry for any Harsh words if I used while this month.

Amazing, wonderful, mesmerize. These words are very small to describe about the annual function. Big thank you and a big congratulations for successful execution annual function for our kids. It was a terrific show which showcased the abilities of our little ones thereby making them more confident as a person.
Kiti efforts ghyave lagle astil tumhala tysathi te samjal😍😍
Khup chhan performance zala😍😍👍🏻👍🏻
All Teachers n management member's 🙏🙏
Yesterday night was roking bcoz of more efforts .n program will be successfully going on .So thank you very much for wonderful night with great performances n  telant combination.🙏🙏
Vedant Rokade Parents
Whatever dance was set for Ramnavami by their teacher was very beautiful and incomparable.All the children look very cute.As a parent I appreciate teachers for  complete Ramayana was shown to us in such a good manner so as to give the knowledge of that Ramayana to the children also.So congratulations teachers👏🏻👏🏻👍🏻👍🏻💐💐
Anika Baheti's parent feedback
Saave parvat's parents feedback👍🏻
Divija Munde's parents feedback👍🏻
Vishwesh Somani's parent feedback👍🏻
Very energetic and wonderful event oraganised by RPLS... The theme of the  event  i.e Jasn tahwaro ka.... Was very good... Event taught the students our cultural and traditions... It is very useful for the new generation to learn about various cultures and traditions in the society specially in our India, where India is represented as unity in the diversity...... once again congratulations for the team RPLS  management, teachers, students and the supporting staff for arranging such a vibrant and wonderful event... Thanks😊😊😊😊😊
Hateem Shaikh's parents
Program bahut hi badhiya tha ... 4 th ki choreography mind blowing... Staff ne jo mehnat ki student pe vo stage pe dikh rahi thi.  Dixita ko anchoring ka chance Dene ke liye    RPL S team ka 🙏🙏.    As usual RPLS team rock 🎉🎉
Dixita Bang
Dixita Bang 's parents
सबसे पहले आप सभी को तहे दिल से धन्यवाद एक टीम वर्क क्या होता है यह आप से सीखने जैसा है पोदार स्कूल का ही नही बल्कि यह 8th annual day हमारा भी था आप ने इस बार जो theme ली यह theme बहोत अच्छी लगी
                 *Your theme not only unites the peoples faith but also its unites the culture*
                 साल भर हम festival मनाते है लेकिन आपने साल भर के फेस्टिवल एक ही दिन में एक ही stage पे दिखा दिए  with detail.
                          Really it Gave us the *Vibe* of that particular Festival .H
It's not a joke to handle almost 1150 students and it's very Difficult to handle  for 1 - 3rd Grade students.
No Words To Praise .
Nikhil Mukesh Kalantri
10th Genius
Rajasthani's Podar Learn School चे आठवे वार्षिक स्नहसंमेलन(8th Annual Day)खूप छान प्रकारे सादरीकरण करण्यात आले.भारतीय संस्कतीनुसार सर्व धर्मीक थीम खूप छान प्रकारे बसवण्यात आलेल्या होत्या.सरस्वती स्तवन,प्रार्थना,रामायण ,हनुमान लीला, गुरुपौर्णिमा,महाराष्ट्र मायभूमी,ईद ,गुढीपाडवा,कृष्णजन्म,संत गोरा कुंभार,सीता स्वयंवर,wel come song, अतिशय अप्रतिम सादरीकरण करण्यात आले.
#सर्व स्टाफ चे खूप छान नियोजन करण्यात आले होते.आपापले क्लास teacher आपापल्या क्लास चे सुंदर प्रकारे सादरीकरण करत होते.
सर्वांमध्ये उत्कृष्ट नियोजन,तळमळ,प्रेम,जिव्हाळा याचे दर्शन झाले.आपले हे 8th Annual Day  खूप छान झाले ते आम्हाला पाहण्याचे भाग्य लाभले .त्याबद्दल आपले सर्वांचे खूप खूप धन्यवाद.सर्वांच्या मेहनतीला बोकन सरांचा सलाम!(माझ्या शाळेत वार्षिक स्नेसंमेलन घेण्यासाठी आपला 8th Annual Day मला खूप मार्गदर्शक राहील.)Thanks all of you.
From sudhnva boken
Yesterday program was very good you taken very much efforts for drama and dance thank you very much mam
It was the ever best program and all teacher take more effort for these wonderful day.
Balasaheb Mote
Sir apke Eid ka performance sabse sabse badhiya raha thank you so much sir apke efforts ke liye baccho ne bhoot accha kiya, keep it up👌👍👍🥳
नेहमी प्रमाणे कार्यक्रम खूप खूप छान झाला. Team RPLS n all Teachers thank you so mach for wonderful evening n as well as night....All parents always with us.
Vedant Rokhde 9th
We know you  work hard but you make it look so effortless thank you for all that you do you have the best combination of talent skills and attitude that add up to great performance keep up the good work.
I genuinelyl appreciate how incredible you are and your work congratulations on completing a successful year of work with school we are thrilled with your performance and we appreciate your contributions Good luck👍 going forward we wish you continued success.💐💐
Arya Deshmukh 9th
Sir aapne aur baccho ne bohot khubasurat performance kiya hai hamesha yaad rahega 🌹🌹😊
Ammar & Mirafda's parents
Eid dance so good sir  keep it up students and you rock the stage  👑🥳💐💐😊😊
Rugved Kadam's parents
Finally the rock has come back......superb sir jaisa bacche bolte hai apke bare me waisa hi nazara dikha kal bhoot bhoot khub kiya aapne specially noore ramzan so lovely 👌😇
Hatim & Sehrish Fatima's parents

Yesterday's Gathering was excellent,superb and magnificent sir.
Your hardwork immense dedication and crystal clear vision along with RPLS MGMT coordination and vision really achieves RPLS dream goals and objectives.
Also I am Thankful  for inviting as PTA member sir.
Congratulations for this great successfull event.
Happy Christmas 🎁🎄
Happy New Year in advance,sir.
With warm Regards,
Jaywardhan Suryawanshi


I genuinelyl appreciate how incredible you are and your work congratulations on completing a successful year of work with school we are thrilled with your performance and we appreciate your contributions Good luck👍 going forward we wish you continued success.💐💐🙏🙏🙏💐 superb show big congratulations for such a fabulous show you and all teachers did asplendid  job and truly deserve all the appreciation and acknowledgement. 💐👍🏾 the function was mind blowing Thanks to all teachers for putting in so much of effort,We will keep praying for the school.

Arya Deshmukh (New student)

All of you teachers trained very well to the 1 st class Students…very very nice Performance Mam🥰🥰👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻Thank you

Viraj Chavan

एका शब्दात सांगायचे तर *Excellent*

Vihan Dahatonde

गॅदरिंग खूप सुंदर झाली .

लेकरांचे डान्स सुद्धा अप्रतिम होते .

आणि सर्वात जास्त आवडलेली गोष्ट म्हणजे नुसता डान्स नसून सर्व सणांची माहिती व ज्ञान सर्वांनाच मिळत होते .

टप्प्याटप्प्याने विद्यार्थ्यांना मागेपुढे करत असल्यामुळे कोणत्याही पालकांना नाराज व्हायचे कारण नाही


👍 Yesterday's program was very good and your class performance was outstanding mam .. Thanks for giving full dedication to explore student's talent..🙏

Aditya suryawanshi parents class 7

Good Afternoon..

Firstly I would like to Thanks to the president, vice president, Secretary, joint secretary, B.p.Singh Sir,principal Sir & All the Rpls Teachers & Staff members for honoring me as a PTA member & feliciating me on the grand Rpls Stage....

Thank you so much RPLS..🙏🙏🙏

Our 8th annual gathering was just too beautiful.Mainly the THEME JASHNA TYOHARA KA..was very perfectly shown on the stage Students were rocking on the stage without thinking about the cold weather. Really School ki Har ek gathering ek se badkar ek hoti jaa rahi hai..All the credit goes to the respective teachers, choreographers & also children's..

Mehnat ka fal meetha hi hota hai ye aaj dikha hai Rpls ki stage pr...

Thank you & Congratulations on the grand Success & All the best for future..

I am always with Rpls..




Good Afternoon..

Firstly I would like to Thanks to the president, vice president, Secretary, joint secretary, B.p.Singh Sir,principal Sir & All the Rpls Teachers & Staff members for honoring me as a PTA member & feliciating me on the grand Rpls Stage....

Thank you so much RPLS..🙏🙏🙏

Our 8th annual gathering was just too beautiful.Mainly the THEME JASHNA TYOHARA KA..was very perfectly shown on the stage Students were rocking on the stage without thinking about the cold weather. Really School ki Har ek gathering ek se badkar ek hoti jaa rahi hai..All the credit goes to the respective teachers, choreographers & also children's..

Mehnat ka fal meetha hi hota hai ye aaj dikha hai Rpls ki stage pr...

Thank you & Congratulations on the grand Success & All the best for future..

I am always with Rpls..




Dearest Sir/ Madam

We really enjoyed the event. We are happy to see the enormous efforts all the teachers, administration and management of RPLS. We are satisfied with Roshita performance and encourage him in his passion for dancing. A wonderful program well- planned and executed... Amazing choreography and a wonderfully scripted them.. Rishtey. Congratulations to the whole team of Principal, teachers, advisers, childrens and all those involved in the grand execution of a mega event in a very grand manner. I am impressed with dancing performance and I can't say in words. Tremendous efforts from the little students to the senior students. You give attention to each child and make sure that each child in your school is able to learn. Teaching staff is very friendly and supportive. All students done great efforts like a section ( Excellent, fabulous...). We are always support to school and all teachers. Time management, songs perfect chooses, dress code best, students skill highly appreciated. 

Finally huge thanks to school and all the facilities who gives lot by physical and mental efforts for Annual Day celebration.


Jitendra Kumbhare ( Roshita Kumbhare Father)

टिप्पणी पोस्ट करा

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